Will, Knowledge and Freedom

March 11, 2018

Voltairine de Cleyre in Philadelphia, 1901 (age 35)
(picture from Wikimedia Commons)

“[…] for whatever was without, within my own Will was supreme. It has moved steadily in one direction, the knowledge and the assertion of its own liberty, with the responsibility falling thereon. This, I am sure, is the ultimate reason for my acceptance of Anarchism.”

(The Making of an Anarchist)

Voltairine de Cleyre, American anarcha-feminist (1866-1912)

 All quotes in the Dictionnary of quotes.


Symbol of the anarcha-feminism movement

Why so few girls and women play games like Chess, Go, or Abalone?


This series of quotes is about Anarchy, Freedom, and disobedience to the arbitrary imposed rules.

See also : Sons of Strategy
