Pentamind: The Ultimate Mind Sports Championship (Full Documentary)

The Mind Sports Olympiad documentary Pentamind: The Ultimate Mind Sports Championship won Best Documentary at the 2020 Gen Con film festival.

It features many of our friends from the MSO, especially the Pentamind winners of the last few years.

To celebrate, this documentary not to be missed is streamed on YouTube, but for a limited time only, as it won’t be available after this 2020 online event! You should watch it right now 😉

(an information from The Mind Sports Olympiad Newsletter)

(Click on the picture to access the documentary on YouTube)


Abalone World Championship 2020 (online): register now!

The Abalone World Championship 2020 is one of the Mind Sports Olympiad events.

Due to the world health crisis, this year it is an online tournament, and it is completely free of charge. This is a great opportunity to participate!

This event will take place on:

Sunday August 30, 2020
from 3.30pm to 9.30pm (London time)

The tournament is open to everyone, children and adults (there is two categories).

It will be hosted on ( Our friend Vincent Frochot worked hard on his website to make possible this great international Abalone event and its presence in the MSO schedule. is still a work in progress but it is already a site where you can learn a lot about Abalone to improve your game skills, and also to play Abalone games online for free against players of all levels in a friendly atmosphere.

As usual, the Abalone World Championship tournament will be played with the Belgian Daisy opening position, with a 15-minute time control per player.

In addition to the title and gold medal, the winner of each category will win a prize of £50.

And if you don’t win, as this online event is a world premiere, at least you could say: I was here! 😉

(Click on the picture to access the registration form)
